What's up, Block? - February 10, 2022 to March 8, 2022
Updates for partners and friends on building the Meta Blocks Protocol

March 8, 2022

The last month was about strategising a launch plan, creating social and content strategy, and polish our SDK and the smart contracts.
Sarthak went to Solana Hacker House in Dubai and demo'd the 3moji app. We deposited 3 component NFTs in the contract, created a meta NFT as the composition of three, and rendered that in the wallet. The reaction from the audience was that of aww and surprise.
- We launched an updated landing page for Meta Blocks. The old page reflected the Avatars and Protocols as one product. Now Meta Blocks is only about the protocol. We are running a campaign to transfer Meta Blocks momentum to 3moji.
- Designed a launch plan for 3moji. Will start posting information about it soon. The big idea is to run many candy machines together. Call each candy machine a "Drop".
- Partnered with a design agency to help us design 3moji app and website.
- Created over a 100 avatars and accessories that will be bundled and sold as NFTs.
Not Good:
- Hired a full-stack dev on trial bases, but he had to quit due to some personal reasons. We'll open the hiring post again. Referrals are welcome.
- Our lead blockchain dev had to reduce the time he spends on Meta Blocks for some personal reasons. We hope this will be fixed in a months time.
- Our progress slowed down a little because I (Shivek) had to focus on 3 things . We are still on time though. 3moji will be launched in Q2 as planned.
In our last update, we wanted to:
- Start systemic marketing of the 3moji universe
- Continue to approach partners for both Meta Blocks and 3moji
We have been doing both. 3moji social channels have been activated. We are pushing out content , will start a series of spaces.
This month, our critical tasks are:
- Solidify launch of 3moji and release a roadmap
- Reconcile and focus marketing efforts and spend
- Launch the 3moji site

At Meta Blocks, we are building the NFT upgradation protocol. Drop your details to get notified when we launch 💁🏼♀️
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