Looking for the upgradable avatars? Meta Blocks Avatars are now called 3moji.Learn more

What's up, Block? - February 10, 2022 to March 8, 2022

Updates for partners and friends on building the Meta Blocks Protocol

Shivek Khurana 🍀
March 8, 2022

The last month was about strategising a launch plan, creating social and content strategy, and polish our SDK and the smart contracts.

Sarthak went to Solana Hacker House in Dubai and demo'd the 3moji app. We deposited 3 component NFTs in the contract, created a meta NFT as the composition of three, and rendered that in the wallet. The reaction from the audience was that of aww and surprise.


  • We launched an updated landing page for Meta Blocks. The old page reflected the Avatars and Protocols as one product. Now Meta Blocks is only about the protocol. We are running a campaign to transfer Meta Blocks momentum to 3moji.
  • Designed a launch plan for 3moji. Will start posting information about it soon. The big idea is to run many candy machines together. Call each candy machine a "Drop".
  • Partnered with a design agency to help us design 3moji app and website.
  • Created over a 100 avatars and accessories that will be bundled and sold as NFTs.

Not Good:

  • Hired a full-stack dev on trial bases, but he had to quit due to some personal reasons. We'll open the hiring post again. Referrals are welcome.
  • Our lead blockchain dev had to reduce the time he spends on Meta Blocks for some personal reasons. We hope this will be fixed in a months time.
  • Our progress slowed down a little because I (Shivek) had to focus on 3 things . We are still on time though. 3moji will be launched in Q2 as planned.

In our last update, we wanted to:

  1. Start systemic marketing of the 3moji universe
  2. Continue to approach partners for both Meta Blocks and 3moji

We have been doing both. 3moji social channels have been activated. We are pushing out content , will start a series of spaces.

This month, our critical tasks are:

  1. Solidify launch of 3moji and release a roadmap
  2. Reconcile and focus marketing efforts and spend
  3. Launch the 3moji site


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